Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Dentist Visit

I've been laying in bed the past couple of nights wondering how it is that my 2 year old could have a cavity, and how I hadn't noticed that dark hole sooner? Well, after a much dreaded appointment, I was relieved to learn that Ethan does not have a cavity. His tooth developed with a groove of missing enamel, and the dark spot was a seed stuck up in the groove. So, it's a good thing after all. The dentist put a sealant on it to prevent a cavity from forming in the future. phew!

Tubas are Cool

Ethan goes to a toddler Montessori class a couple of mornings a week. Last night they had a family music night. He was SO excited when we walked in and saw a tuba. Ethan has liked the tuba since he first saw it on this Sesame Street clip, which he loves. We got to sing and dance to a song about going on a picnic, accompanied by the tuba. After that he informed me that he doesn't have a tuba, and will play one when he is older. After last night I too have a new appreciation for the tuba.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tundra Swans at the Bear River Migratory Refuge

Ethan got to meet a pelican up close this time, and we saw hundreds of swans (and a few other goodies). I love the frozen landscape of the Refuge in early March. Speaking of 'landscape', Ethan has also been using the word. He's been saying things like, when we're playing with blocks... "Ok. Now we are going to build a big landscape over there." He built a road out of cardboard blocks and said "I'm going to walk across this big landscape."

Monday, March 2, 2009

Green Canyon Yurt

There were lots of forks thrown into our yurt trip plans, but we made it. We were at the doctors office Sat. morning for Ethan's ear infection, but she gave us the ok. Prepared with antibiotics and ear drops we headed to the yurt. It was worth it to have a nice time with great friends. Hopefully this is the end of Ethan's nasty cold.