Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tundra Swans at the Bear River Migratory Refuge

Ethan got to meet a pelican up close this time, and we saw hundreds of swans (and a few other goodies). I love the frozen landscape of the Refuge in early March. Speaking of 'landscape', Ethan has also been using the word. He's been saying things like, when we're playing with blocks... "Ok. Now we are going to build a big landscape over there." He built a road out of cardboard blocks and said "I'm going to walk across this big landscape."


langenheim said...

how fun! missed you in st. george...where we did see a flock of about 40 pelicans circling about prophesy wall one evening! it was pretty cool.

ayme & jim said...

Wow, that last picture of Ethan is amazing! This is so cliche, but I'll say it anyway: HE LOOKS SO MUCH LIKE JUSTIN!