Sequoia wets the bed every now and then. I've had her checked it's nothing serious. she's just not a puppy anymore and doesn't hold it as well. After cleaning her bed a few times, I finally threw it out before getting her a new one, so she had to sleep on her not-so-cushy camping pad for a couple of nights. She wasn't sure what to do. The first night she climbed onto Ethan's bed. I peeked in to see her stretched out taking up most of the bed, with Ethan scrunched up in the corner. She woke me up the next night, asking to get in bed with us and the next thing I heard was "Mom, Sequoia's waking me up.' She was trying to sleep with Ethan again. I find this very funny and finally got her a new princess bed and covered the inner pad with plastic.
Speaking of dogs, there is a sweet woman who walks a little white poodle past our house every day. Ethan loves it because it always stops to jump up on him and give him kisses. He calls it the 'cute little doodle."