Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bear River Migratory Refuge III

With no progression toward delivery in the past few weeks I decided a bumpy ride through the Refuge was a great idea. March is my favorite time to go after all. Maybe it helped because this morning I had a doctor appt. and I am 90% effaced and dilated to 4 cm. Not bad for walking around feeling great. So, I guess it really is any day now.

On a different note, Justin and I finished the documentary, Food Inc. last night. Wow. I have to say that between starting work and being pregnant, I had relaxed a bit on buying everything I can locally with as little processing as possible. But, after watching that, I have a renewed sense of dedication. Perhaps I do have time to follow Lau Farms scheduled visits and wait in line for local meat after all. And maybe I should put more emphasis on the garden this year. Now, if Justin would just agree to chickens. After all, I want to teach my kids mindfulness and to give them a connection to their food and a sense of the true cost of the way we live.


Susan G said...

Oh my goodness! You are ready to go, girl! Can't wait. Love the pics, as usual. Have you watched "future of food"? Also a good one.

The Vreelands said...

You are getting close. Bear Lake looks beautiful!