Tuesday, August 9, 2011

We decided to accept the offer from Draker Labs and move to Vermont this fall. Justin will have a new position doing solar research and development. We're so excited for a change and to experience New England, but it is sad to think of being so far from our family and leaving our house and community that we love so much.


kim edvarchuk said...

Thats so exciting although I'm so sad you are moving so far away! I'm in love with New England! You guys will love it!!

Susan G said...

Congrats to you and your family, Mel. I am excited for you -- I am sure it will be such an awesome experience! Donovan's cousin and his wife live near there...I should get you their info if you're interested; I am sure you would get along great.

Jessica B said...

Wow, that's so exciting. I'm sad you'll be so far away, but what an adventure you guys will have!

Fay said...

Congratulations! How exciting. What a great opportunity. Vermont is beautiful. You will love it. Lots of like-minded people. We will be a little closer, maybe we can get together sometime. Miss you lots.

The Vreelands said...

New England looks beautiful. Congrats. We will really miss you!