Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Ethan loves to dance (almost as much as his cousin Hayden). When we walk into a place with music, he'll start bouncing around in my arms. We've been collecting the Putumayo Playground CDs. They're really fun. Our favorites are the latin playground and the Folk. The songs can be sampled on Maybe I'll get around to posting one. Oh, and I haven't taken the time to figure out how to rotate the videos. They'll just have to be sideways for now. Notice Quoia waiting for handouts. Ethan makes sure she's well taken care of.

1 comment:

Jessica B said...

Yay, I found your site! It was so fun to see you on Thanksgiving. Ethan is growing up so fast. I love your pictures - and videos! Ethan is a great dancer:) One of these days I'll have to figure out how to post videos too.